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Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

Top 5 Future Inventions in Technology 2019 - 2050

There are lots of expected future inventions in technology.Among them, we have taken top five which are given below.The video below the list contains detail about them.Don't forget to watch and comment below which one is best.

The following numbers are in descending order :

5. Cicret Bracelet :

Smart Cicret Bracelet

4. I Watch :

I Watch in Future

3.Wall-Format Display Glass :

Future Touch screen

2.Smart Card :

Smart Card in Future

1.Smart Newspaper :

Smart newspaper in future

Watch the video of top 5 expected future Inventions in Technology Below:

Difference Between SRAM and DRAM

Random Access Memory(RAM)  is temporary memory of computer system.It is also known as volatile memory.It is divided into two types: SRAM and DRAM where SRAM stands for Static Random Access Memory and DRAM stands for Dynamic Random Access Memory.

The six differences between SRAM and DRAM are as follows:
  • SRAM is faster than DRAM.
  • SRAM is static but DRAM is dynamic.
  • SRAM consumes less power than DRAM.
  • SRAM is used as Cache Memory but DRAM is used as Main Memory.
  • DRAM is cheaper than SRAM.
  • DRAM uses less transistors per bit of memory than SRAM.

Generations Of Computer

The computers of electronic age are further divided into 5 generation on the basis of technology used by the computer. The different generations are:
                  i) First Generation of computer(1940-1956)
                  ii) Second generation of computers(1956-1963)
                  iii) Third generation of computers(1964-1971)
                  iv) Fourth generation of computers(1971-present)
                  v) Fifth generation of computers(Present and Beyond)

i) First Generation of Computers:

1) Technology used: Vacuum tube
2) Operating speed: Millisecond range
3) Programming language used: Machine language
4) Memory used
: Primary memory: Magnetic core memory
: Secondary memory: Magnetic drum, Magnetic tape.
5) I/O device:
Punched card as input device, printing device as output device.
6) Use: Simple mathematical calculation.
7) Computers were extremely large in size, and they required special cooling system. e.g.: ENIVAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, etc.
1st generation computer(UNIVAC)

ii) Second Generation of Computers:

Roll Laptop(Rolltop)- Next Generation Laptop

►Look at this amazing discovery.

Do you believe it?